Integumentary System Crossword Puzzle Answer Key

Embark on an intriguing journey with the integumentary system crossword puzzle answer key, your ultimate guide to deciphering the mysteries of your largest organ: the skin. Dive into the depths of its layers, unravel the functions of each component, and uncover the captivating secrets of your protective barrier.

From the epidermis to the hypodermis, each layer plays a vital role in safeguarding your body and maintaining its homeostasis. This crossword puzzle answer key not only provides solutions but also unravels the fascinating narrative of your skin’s intricate architecture.

Integumentary System Overview

The integumentary system is the largest organ system of the human body, comprising the skin, hair, nails, and associated glands. It serves as a protective barrier against pathogens, UV radiation, and physical trauma, regulates body temperature, and facilitates sensory perception.The

skin, the primary component of the integumentary system, consists of three layers: the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The epidermis, the outermost layer, is composed of keratinized cells that protect the body from external threats. The dermis, the middle layer, contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and sweat glands.

The hypodermis, the innermost layer, is made of adipose tissue that insulates the body and provides cushioning.

Crossword Puzzle Clues: Integumentary System Crossword Puzzle Answer Key

Integumentary system crossword puzzle answer key


  • Outermost layer of the skin (7 letters)
  • Middle layer of the skin (5 letters)
  • Innermost layer of the skin (9 letters)
  • Thread-like structures that grow from the skin (4 letters)
  • Hard, protective coverings on the tips of fingers and toes (5 letters)


  • Small, oil-producing glands in the skin (6 letters)
  • Tube-shaped structures that release sweat onto the skin’s surface (8 letters)
  • Pigmented cells in the skin that determine its color (7 letters)
  • Sensory receptors in the skin that detect touch, temperature, and pain (5 letters)

Answer Key for Crossword Puzzle

Clue Answer Definition Image
Across 1 Epidermis The outermost layer of the skin, composed of keratinized cells. [Gambar epidermis]
Across 3 Dermis The middle layer of the skin, containing blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and sweat glands. [Gambar dermis]
Across 5 Hypodermis The innermost layer of the skin, made of adipose tissue that insulates the body and provides cushioning. [Gambar hypodermis]
Across 7 Hair Thread-like structures that grow from the skin, providing insulation and protection. [Gambar rambut]
Across 9 Nails Hard, protective coverings on the tips of fingers and toes, made of keratin. [Gambar kuku]
Down 2 Sebaceous glands Small, oil-producing glands in the skin that lubricate the skin and hair. [Gambar kelenjar sebaceous]
Down 4 Sweat glands Tube-shaped structures that release sweat onto the skin’s surface, regulating body temperature. [Gambar kelenjar keringat]
Down 6 Melanocytes Pigmented cells in the skin that determine its color by producing melanin. [Gambar melanosit]
Down 8 Receptors Sensory receptors in the skin that detect touch, temperature, and pain. [Gambar reseptor kulit]

Additional Crossword Puzzle Resources

Strategies for Solving Crossword Puzzles Related to the Integumentary System

  • Familiarize yourself with the terms and structures of the integumentary system.
  • Pay attention to the clues and try to identify the specific term being asked for.
  • Consider the length of the answer and the number of letters provided.
  • Use your knowledge of the integumentary system to guess possible answers.
  • Check your answers against the definitions provided.

Question Bank

What is the integumentary system?

The integumentary system is the body’s largest organ, comprising the skin, hair, nails, and glands. It serves as a protective barrier, regulates body temperature, and plays a crucial role in sensory perception.

What are the layers of the skin?

The skin consists of three primary layers: the epidermis (outermost), dermis (middle), and hypodermis (innermost). Each layer has distinct functions and contributes to the skin’s overall health and appearance.

Why is the integumentary system important?

The integumentary system is vital for maintaining homeostasis, protecting against external threats, facilitating sensory perception, and regulating body temperature. It also plays a significant role in vitamin D synthesis and immune function.

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